Bridging Simulation and Wearable Data

Body Interface Labs seamlessly merges the realms of virtual simulations and wearable data, crafting immersive experiences that dive into our innovative fusion of user-centered design, virtual reality, and physiological computing, all tailored to elevate human performance.


Adaptive Biofeedback from NASA Langley

By leveraging years of experience designing interactive biofeedback experiences, Body Interface Labs has R&D capabilities that go beyond prototyping physiological computing systems.

Our expertise and experience

Physiological Interfaces

Harness biofeedback, wearable computing, and brain interfaces. Intelligent adaptation and machine learning drive our physiological insights.

"Our expertise blends cutting-edge human-computer interaction research with cutting-edge intelligent technologies. Experience innovation that drives results and redefines industry standards"

Virtual Reality & Game Design

Immersive simulations and serious games for training and healthcare. Pioneering the next frontier of virtual experiences.

User-Centered Design

User experience at the forefront. Merging research using mixed methods, playful design, and digital health for holistic user insights.

Human-Robot Interaction

Bridging technology and emotion with games and assistive robots. Redefining social interaction for the future

"With a deep understanding of body signals and a commitment to human-centric approaches, we're shaping the future of healthcare and training innovations."

Our approach



Deep understanding of users

We help you understand your users and their preferences by using contextual design techniques in HCI

Body Data Collection and Modeling

We are experts in collecting and analyzing physiological data to understand user's behaviors via psychophysiological modeling

Data Analysis and Intelligent Adaptation

We dive deep into the complex body and brain data and aim to understand human performance



Scientific Validation and Funding

We support the process of scientifically validating your product and collaborate to find the right R&D path to get funds

"Rooted in a profound understanding of users and bolstered by expertise in physiological data analysis, our approach ensures not only innovative solutions but also scientific validation and strategic pathways for funding. Partner with us to transform insights into impactful outcomes."

Our innovation has been recognized

Our groundbreaking work has garnered attention from prestigious space agencies, renowned tech publications, and leading academic institutions worldwide."

Contact us

Unlock the potential of body signals and human-centric design with us. Dive into innovation; let's chart your journey in healthcare and training together.

blue and green peacock feather
blue and green peacock feather